Wednesday 10 November 2021

Day 17: Christmas triggers in November

I've been making lists, starting to plan festive activities for December. Feeling quite triggered, imagining our group holiday in December and then Christmas Day itself with no festive drinks. Haven't even thought about New Year's Eve.

I'm feeling that sneaking feeling of well, by then I'll have done x number of days AF and proved my point, so why not indulge on holiday / xmas day? One last shindig?

Part of me is thinking, yes, why not? It will have been a big achievement and nothing can take away from that. And it's likely to be our last Christmas here before we move so why not celebrate?

The other part of me thinks - yeah, but a good, festive drinking day for me isn't so much fun for the kids. Maybe if I don't drink I'll be more in tune with what they want to do? Maybe. 

Similarly, why does celebration have to equal booze? What if I find a really lovely AF mulled wine recipe and can spend my day supping on that? (or - cheeky wine witch coming up for air here - I could limit myself to mulled wine only and try boil the hell out of it to get the alcohol off?)

I sorta don't want to make decisions either way cos I don't want to disappoint myself by breaking promises. But that thought is quite a sobering one. What will make Christmas better for my children? I don't think wine would be on anyone's lists. It may not make the day worse, but certainly won't add anything for them.

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