Saturday 30 October 2021

Days 6 and 7: Sober weekend

So, first week over and now coming to the end of the first intentionally sober weekend. 7 days isn't a long time, but can feel like it when you've decided to shoot for long distance, rather than just a couple of dry days.

This weekend definitely felt active and wholesome. And it was kid-centred which made me feel really great on the #mumwins scale.

I got up super early on Saturday, as my husband was gearing up for his morning bike ride. I remembered I'd promised to dye my daughter's hair for Halloween, so we did that (and dyed the floor tiles too -eek!), took the dog for a long walk and then had breakfast. After breakfast we carved pumpkins, put our Halloween display outside the front door and then I took the two kids to get Halloween toenails painted. 

Mid morning (it was only 10am by this point!) I went shopping by myself for new clothes for myself and the kids. It was really nice having that alone time and I realised that if I'd been a few wines in the night before, I probably would've vegged on the couch and not bothered to go out. I even walked the couple of miles to the shopping mall! In the past I'd have definitely got an Uber to avoid the midday heat.

One hard test was meeting two friends for boozy brunch. I managed with a soda and a virgin mojito, but I definitely felt out of place. I found myself wishing I had something to do with my hands (turns out virgin mojitos are good for that because you can pick out the pieces of mint once you've drained your glass). I also inexplicably felt quite tongue-tied - even though I've known both these women for years and have been on holidays with them. I left after a couple of rounds and had an odd sluggish hour post brunch - almost like a placebo effect, even though I hadn't had anything to drink.

Still, managed to do some laundry (that I'd normally leave until the evening) and then had a mum and daughter friend round before trick-or-treating. We dealt with a last minute costume decision from my daughter with minimal stress, and my husband, friend and I sat on the balcony with a couple of AF beers which, to be honest, tasted exactly the same.

In the evening we took the kids trick-or-treating with a couple of friends while hubby stayed at home to man the door. Last year I had a couple of traveller beers in my bag, and we stayed in the yard afterwards with wine while the kids ran off their sugar highs. This year we trick-or-treated for an hour, said our goodbyes, and then went upstairs to count the loot and watch the Super Monsters Halloween special.

On Sunday we swam for hours, went out for lunch with the kids, went on a family bike ride, and took the kids and dog to the park. I'm still feeling tired - yet to experience the pink cloud feeling or bursts of high energy, but I'm enjoying the way things are going and having the headspace and time to plan cool activities for the family.

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